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I'm so sorry for your loss and can completely understand why you were away. I lost my grandpa this summer and took a similar break. It just seemed so pointless to write about my dumb life when the real world was happening all around me. Like you said, my blog and twitter seemed so trivial in comparison. I slowly came back and started blogging again. In time, I hope you will too. Your presence has been missed, but take all the time you need.

Hugs from Verona!

Jessica, WhyGo Italy

Oh, Emma, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss... My thoughts are with you.

Anne A

I don't remember how i found your blog, or your site..I have been following three of your Italian sites your like, for a long time so it might be from there.

I do know exactly what you are going through..My sister ended her life in July 2007...totally unexpected ..and worst of all, on our mums birthday, and the day my husband had just flown to Hungary for work...I was on my own when my brother phoned me....!! You take your time, your friends and everyone who understands will still be on twitter and face book..take care Anne


I am so sorry to hear this sad news, Emma. Ti sono vicino in questo momento di dolore. Follow the pace you need to in showing your public face to the world again.

Emma Bird

Jessica, Jessica, Anne and Pamela,

Many thanks for your heartfelt comments. Apologies for the delay in acknowledging them but I ended up not wanting to revisit the topic.

Jessica, sorry to hear about your loss and thank you for your encouragement to start blogging again.

Anne, I'm so sorry you know what I'm going through. I wish you didn't. I read your blog. It's beautiful and positive. I shall return.


dear emma...words are not enough right now..i can only say you are in my thoughts.take time and know we are here ALWAYS.whenever you are ready to share.your blog has inspired me to make the big move,because we all know life is precious....hugs,ann-marie


... take your time.



Emma, I am so very sorry. Grief is such a monster to deal with -- it's an old, familiar friend of mine. When my brother died of cancer, it took the stuffing out of me for so very long I will be glad when you come back.

renaissance costume

I'm really sorry for your loss. I know it's really hard and we understand well that losing someone really hurts so much.. I hope you all the best in life and i really do hope you will be back.. In God's time.. God Bless!


I lost my sister 2 years ago, and still find it difficult today that I can't just ring her up and have a chat, although my pain has eased it is really hard to get over and something that you will never forget. Keep strong you will get through.


Keep strong I am so sorry for your loss, death and grief are overwhelming particularly when still raw.


So glad you are back doing what you do best, to sorry about your loss, your heart will heal in good time, although your memories will always stay with you.


Anne Marie, Daniela, Ann, Renaissance Costume, Chloe, Charlotte and Ella, thanks for your comments. They were/are much appreciated and I really am so sorry for not acknowledging them until now. But I think you understand.
Thanks again, Emma

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