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Hi, My name is Lindsay, im from Scotland. I am a qualified primary teacher and currently teach at an English International school in Italy. I am really interested in working in Sardinia. I love new experiences, meeting new people, learning new things. Are there any positions available?

estelle LAGET

Hi Emma,
Are you still in Sardinia? I can't find a more recent article on/by you.... I would like to talk to you about a couple of things, can you get in touch with me please?

Thanks, and hopefully we'll speak soon!



Hi Estelle,
I'm interested in teaching English in Sardinia, starting this summer, and was wondering if you are still looking for teachers?
I spent the last year living in Bogota, where I completed a TEFL course, and taught English on a voluntary basis at a primary school, and also to private and executive clients on a one to one basis and in small groups.
I'm a native English speaker currently living in Wales, fluent in both Welsh and Spanish and am keen to learn Italian!
If there are any positions available then please get in touch.



Hi, my name is Alma and I'm a qualified secondary school teacher from Ireland. I have recently completed a TEFL certificate with a view to teaching in Sardinia in June. I am wondering as to whether you have any positions available at the moment?

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