Coming up with a winning business idea is the easiest part. Coming up with the cash is far more difficult, especially if you don't have a huge trust fund or money in the bank.
But don't give up before you start. Italy is beginning to wake up to the advantages of micro-credit. In 2006, more than Eur5m of loans were distributed to the country's neo-imprenditori.
The capped limit is Eur15,000 but this depends on the bank, charity or public organisation lending the money. Interest rates vary between three and eight per cent.
What a lot of people don't know, is that these loans are given out to all kinds of companies in Italy- and not just those termed 'ethical'. Businesses awarded micro-credit in the past include an organic catering service using locally-sourced produce and an after-school arts club for children.
The following all lend money:
- Banca Etica (
- Micro.Bo (
- Smoat (+39 055 22384223)
- Fondo Etico Le Piagge (+39 055 373737)
- Regione Lazio (
- Progetto Senapa (+39 0875 714454)
- Agenzia di Sviluppo Integrato (