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« Doing business the Italian way | Main | Five things I've learnt since living in Italy (Part 12) »



Hi Emma

I am planning on starting my own business in southern Italy in the next year or two and was kinda thinking of setting up with a friend of mine but I didn't know about the 388 law before. I'd not heard of it. Do you have to be a certain age or can anyone get it? Is there a deadline for applying? Do they only give out a certain number?

Would it be possible for you to clarify it a bit more? Thank you very much, jessica.

Emma Bird

Hi Jessica

Thanks for stopping by and congrats on deciding to move to Italy and set up your own business.

I'm more than happy to answer your questions. Here goes:
1) There are no age restrictions
2) There is no limit as to the number of people who apply
3) There isn't a deadline as such. However, it is up to the annual Finanziaria (budget laws) as to whether it is continued. It has been like this for the last six years so it is unlikely to be changing this year. However, we'll only know for sure once the Finanziara has been confirmed in Dec/Jan.

Hope that helps.


I really appreciate your clarifications. Thank you emma.

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