Mario and I started working with an expat couple back in March of this year. Without going into details, they already have a successful business abroad and have set up the Italian branch here.
Two weeks ago they contacted us again, requiring more help because they weren't sure what the company's legal standing was.
It turns out that the lawyer they had contracted to help them get visas and also run the company hadn't been fulfilling his role. Crucially, he hadn't even answered phone calls or emails from the accountant which means last year's accounts have not been filed.
Here's the warning: make sure that the people you employ to work with you in your business are reputable. It's easy to be seduced by what you are being told, especially when your Italian isn't up to speed and you are not familiar with working practices. But beware. Italians are fantastic at convincing you that everything is fine and then not doing anything about it. It's your business. Get references. Speak to other clients or colleagues. And, above all, make sure you check in regularly and get monthly reports about what is happening.
Warning over.