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Sara, Ms. Adventures in Italy

I don't know if I would read it (again) - I read it because I studied in the town next to Cortona so the images were a bit more vivid for me right after being there, but to be honest, the whole "what-an-inconvenience-my-marble-fireplace-couldnt-get-installed-so-I-used-my -wood-pizza-oven" expat experience is totally opposite my experience so I can't enjoy it.

The movie was also "Americanized" - there is no romance in the books (she's married and older) and focuses on daily "villa" upkeep. It might be interesting if you're a house owner.

Emma Bird


Thanks for your feedback. That's what I'd heard, too. Her experience is totally different to mine and I can't relate to it either. Though I've decided I am going to have read it by the end of the year to be able to judge it for myself.


Ps - I love your blog :-)

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