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Ciao Emma

Love this post! Yes, an Au apair adventure can certainly give you more than you expected indeeed!The experience itself is priceless, but armed with the right information, you can save yourself alot of pain too................. I know it well. Information on surface value rarely adds up! Dig deep, and know what you are getting into before you leap! Either way, how do you really equate life experience with the work at hand?! well, learn, live and experience, that's all I can say! Evaluate as you go! Sometimes it works, sometimes, it doesn't!

Emma Bird

Ciao Jay

You've hit it on the head: whether you get a good family or a bad one, it all makes for an unforgettable experience. And if it is really that bad, then you can always change families or leave.

What was your most memorable aupairing moment? And where were you?

Emma x

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