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I'm living in Sardinia and I'm so happy that you know our wonderful land!!!
In my blog sboicottiamolasardegna.blogspot.com (link to the post is: http://www.proxyhub.co.uk/index.php?hl=0011110001&q=uggc%3A%2F%2Ffobvpbggvnzbynfneqrtan.oybtfcbg.pbz%2F2007%2F05%2Fahbin-zbqn-vy-obvpbggnttvb.ugzy%23yvaxf%23ttp%3A%2F%2Fsboicottiamolasardegna.blogspot.com%2F2007%2F05%2Fnuova-moda-il-boicottaggio.html%23links )
you can leave a comment to giustify or condemn the public boycott that some people is organizing (specially in internet) against the SARDINIA land (Italy's region in Mediterraneean Sea) in protest with the new tax "on luxury".
In sum in Sardinia there's a new tax that a turist(no resident) have to pay if he has :
1. a house near the cost (if it is a second house only for holidais) second the dimension of it: for exaple if you have a house of 60 m2 you pay about 600$ per year...
2. a yacht (only if you moor in sardinian ports)
3. privare airplains (only if you land in sardinian airport)

More of this people that protests obviously are rich person...
please help us!!!

Emma Bird

Hi Shardana

That was interesting timing. In my diary I've got a note to blog about the stealth tax in Sardinia in the next week or so.

So watch this space...

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