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« Starting a Business in Italy: How to set up and run a successful business in the Bel Paese | Main | Laura's Story »



love your blog... full of great info! - joe

Emma Bird

Thanks, Joe.

Been checking out your blog, too. Piazza Santo Stefano and Giardini Margherita are two of the things I miss most from my time in Bologna, too.



Your site is great. I checked out the jobs you list for teaching English in Sardegna and unfortunately I do not qualify as an EU citizen. I am wondering what you feel my chances are of getting work in Italy, as United States citizen. I speak Italian and have lived in Italy before (Florence.) However I was never able to get legal and luckily was able to live off a business based in the US that I was running. I want to live in Italy again, perhaps make a permanent move this time. But I know how hard it was to make a living last time I lived in Italy, and so many jobs that I find online, that are in Italy, and that I qualify for, stipulate that you must be EU. It is very frustrating to be American!

Do you have any advice for me?

Thanks so much!

Fiona Scull

Its three weeks until my Italy-born partner and I arrive in his sleepy village home-town of Moncalvo, Piemonte for a long-term stay. "How romantic!", "Ïm so envious" were some friends' comments.

So why am I having kittens? Possible Unemployment, limited funds, isolation from my inability to understand or be understood (initially of course)... living with the in-laws...

So your web site was wonderfully refreshing. So positive and comforting! Someone has been there, done it and done it well!

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