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Laura Buonanno

You're making me soo curious!!! I think you and Mario have become connoisseur's at networking, taking advantage of oppurtunities and making international friendships. I can't wait to hear about this one!

Emma Bird

Ciao Laura,

Thanks for your comments. I guess I was always a networker through my work as a journalist. But I didn't become hooked or really understand the importance of it until I moved to Sardinia.

That first summer when I was unemployed (and not through want of trying), I used to spend hours at the computer building online relationships with expats and expat experts in all different countries.

To me networking equals business success, personal success, an opportunity to connect others (that's my favourite aspect) and an opportunity to learn from all these amazing people and make new friends.


Ciao Emma, Ciao Laura - interesting story you have there, Laura. Where do you want to move when you move back - next year was it?

Am finding this blog interesting. thank you. I'm back in the UK for the moment though I think I want to move back with my wife and young daughters in the next five years sometime.

Having contacts is really important in Italy without them you can't get anywhere - at least that was my experience in Rome which is big city.

Laura Buonanno

Ciao Jason!
If I had my way I'd move back tommorow. But obviously it's a little harder than that, especially because I'm alot farther from Italia then you are.
I am almost positive I'll be moving to Sardinia. I'll know for sure in a couple of weeks (yipee!). I haven't seen it yet, except through photos, but feel like I know I will love it already.
What was your Italy experience? How long were you in Rome? Would you be moving back there with the family then or another city? I do agree with you though- I think networking and contacts is so important to have when moving over.
Here's to La Bella Vita!


Ciao Laura

I haven't been to Sardinia but lots of flights go to Sardinia now from the UK. You'll have to let us know what it's like. I for one am curious.

I was in Rome on a short-term contract - just a year to do some consulting work for the company I work for in the UK. Rome is a beautiful city but I'm not sure I would want to live there long-term. I think I would prefer a smaller city in northern Italy.

Yes, will be moving over there with my family. My wife is also attracted to the lifestyle in Italy and we'd like our two girls to experience growing up in Italy if at all possible.

Ciao for now

Mike Sherringham

Buon giorno.

I'm toying with the idea of moving to Milan to set up as freelance graphic designer. I have various clients and obviously I'd like some Italian ones too but I know that isn't going to be possible till I know some people and my Italian is better though io imparo molto velocemente.

Reading these comments has made me realise that I might need to be doing some networking. Do you know of any groups in Milan?

Emma Bird

Ciao Mike

The other day I mentioned a post on MilanIn. If you click on the 'networking category' and scroll down you'll find the post and url. It's free to join and there are both online and offline events. Formal and informal. Because of the online networking you can also join now before you make the move.

Ecademy (www.ecademy.com) also has a group in Milan though you need to be a member. I used to lead that but I don't anymore as I want to concentrate on launching How to Italy's own offline networking events.

LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com) is an online static form of networking. If you join me on LinkedIn (see that widget in the lefthand column) you can search for people in Milan.

easyMilano (easymilano.it) is a online and offline classifieds ads magazine that comes out every fortnight. It has listings of all kinds of clubs and activities for expats so I always recommend that as a great place to start.

Good luck. Let me know how you get on.

Mike Sherringham

Thank you for the heads up on these networking clubs. EasyMilano looks really useful.


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